Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV (2016)

Today i watched the movie called Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV , and instantly i felt that oh boy, i should have seen this before i played the video game, This movie timelines itself to before the games happenings, and i enjoyed it very much. how could i not have, it is great film.  share your thoughts about the movie if you like. i would like to hear them, but if you are not seen the movie i recommend that you do. ill give this movie a 9/10. and as always, below are the screenshots taken from the film! SPOILERS!  :) so enjoy! AND Watch the film!

And The Joyrney begins.. 

Death Stranding ( Pc ) Screenshot gallery (SPOILER WARNING)

So this time i have made screenshot gallery out of Death Stranding the game that has no gategory? players are calling it a walking simulator...