The Last Of Us Remastered on PS4 ( warning contains material that must not be viewed people under age of 18 ) T

So this time i try to write in english for change so bare with me my english is probably not the best but i hope youll understand something out of it :)
so to the point. this time i got the game called  The Last of Us Remasteder on PS4  i have been thinking to buy this sooner but i though that ill wait if it comest to ps 4 too. and it did. so here it is :)
have played the game only for couple hours but i am pleased allready this game appears to be good.
the mood that game gives to player is amazing and the game is beautiful and the sound world is also made very nicely.
the crafting in game gives the player little more mood to the surviving and scraping scrap together.
and game offers players the choice to direct combat or to sneaky sneaky way also,the limit of the ammo you can carry with you is limited too so you cannot horde up mountains of ammo with you. and that keeps your mind in the track and thinkin tru your every shot and move what you should do next. in this text i try not to spoil the games plot but be warned ill be adding photos  in to this text that may spoil something if you havent played the game tru yet . and couple videos too probaly.
ill have to say this game is so well made that i dont even know where is should start to tell about this game.
in the game world has been infected with some bad medicine test and people has started to turn into these
" zombie " like creatures and has started to act mindles and biting other people :P
so the game starts up when thing started and after the game preview it warps forward 20 years where the game really begins.  and there people are living in the quarantine areas guarded by the somekind military personel and thing look kinda bad all around. but maybe i wont tell you the whole story  and youll have to see it by yourself :)
ill sum up some things here that i like in this game and if you read this and have played the game you can tell me on comments that what are the thing youll like in the game.

-Game is beautifull to look at.
-Sounds are well made.
-Controls are made well.
-Ingame Crafting/scavenging

Things tha the Zombie Creatures will do to you if you get caught.

The Gas mask to keep the spores that floats in the air away.

probably the one of the saddest moment so far in the game

the town :)

probably not the most safest place to live.

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